

Panjab University Research Scholars

S.No. Name of the Supervisor /
Name of the Ph.D. Scholar Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
Faculty of Science : Department of BiotechnologyUpdated on: 14/02/2025 
1.   Rupam K Bhunia Deepika Gupta Full Time 24-25/195/Ph.D. 08/01/2025 31/12/2029 Yes SERB
2.   Dr. Shivraj Hariram Nile Aman Sharma Full Time 24-25/192/R&S 08/01/2025 10/01/2030 No
3.   Dr. Jagtar Singh Dikshant Full Time 24-25/193/Ph.D. 08/01/2025 30/01/2030 No
4.   Dr. Amit Kumar Rai Puja Sarkar Full Time 24-25/Ph.D. 08/01/2025 27/12/2024 Yes NABI
5.   Dr. Vikas Rishi Ashish Abkari Full Time 24-25/194/Ph.D. 08/01/2025 31/12/2024 No
6.   Dr.Jagtar Singh Dudhagi Shivanand Suresh Full Time 2024-EZ-12 17/09/2024 Molecular and funational characterization of TaOSCA(s) (hyperosmolality-gated calcium-permeable channels) from Triticum aestivum in heterologous system(s) 16/09/2029 No
7.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Rohit Soni Full Time 2024-EZ-14 17/09/2024 Cell suspension culture, transcriptomics and metabolomics studies to understand the biosynthesis of medicinally and economically important compounds in Narcissus poeticus 16/09/2029 No
8.   Dr. Panneerselvam Krishna Murthy Sorav Full Time 2024-EZ-13 17/09/2024 Characterization of saponin polymorphism in irradiation - induced TILLING population of soybean (Glycine max) 16/09/2029 No
9.   DR. Jagtar Singh
Dr. Promila Pathak
Komal Sharma Full Time 2023-EZ-152 06/05/2024 30/05/2029 No
10.   Dr. Nitin K Singhal AKASH THAKUR Full Time 2023-EZ-151 04/05/2024 02/05/2029 No
11.   Dr. MoniKa Garg Ritu Nain Full Time 23-24/163/Ph.D 08/01/2024 No
12.   Dr. Sivasubramanian R Promila Full Time 23-24/162/Ph.D. 08/01/2024 Yes DBT
13.   Dr. A K Pandey kanupriya Agrawal Full Time 23-24/164/Ph.D. 08/01/2024 Yes JRF-NABI
14.   Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal Simran Full Time 23-24/19/Phd 28616000025 18/09/2023 Development of Aptasensor based lateral flow device for the detection of food contaminants 18/09/2028 Yes PRoject GAP-46 JRF
15.   Dr. Siddharth Tiwari
Dr. Jagtar Singh
Hardeep Singh Full Time 23-24/20/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-05 18/09/2023 CRISPR/Case-9 based Genome Editing for Reducing Anti-Nutrient Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides in Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) 18/09/2028 Yes SRF-NABI Core
16.   Dr. Sudhir Pratap Singh Nidhi Gossai Full Time 23-24/21/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-11 18/09/2023 Biomanufacturing of a high value rare sugar L-fuctose employing novel enzyme vatiants 18/09/2028 Yes CSIR-JRF
17.   Dr. Mahendra Bishnoi Babita Bhatt Full Time 23-24/22/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-11 18/09/2023 Neurobehavioral effects of a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet: sex differences and neural circuits involved 18/09/2023 Yes JRF-MK Bhan
18.   Dr. Sudhir Pratap Singh Sathaye Shantnu Bhushan Full Time 23-24/23/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-13 18/09/2023 Development of a protease deficient Bacillus subtilis strain and genome integration mediated enzymatic production of D-Allulose 18/09/2028 Yes Project Fellowship (CIAB)-GAP-23
19.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Jyoti Full Time 23-24/24/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-13 18/09/2023 In-vitro regeneration studies and optimization of suspension culture for extraction of secondary metabolites from medicinally important plants Saussurea lappa and Nardostachys jatamansi 18/09/2028 No
20.   Prof. Neena Capalash
Prof. Prince Sharma
Priya Gill Full Time 22-23/184/Ph.D. 2022-EZ-80 19/01/2023 Prevalence and characterization of antimicrobial resistome in environment bacterial strains 18/01/2028 Yes UGC-CSIR
21.   Kanthi Kiran Kondepudi Luxumi Kumari Full Time 22-23/132/Ph.D. 18213001430 24/11/2022 Role of Amaranth Grains in mitigating High fat diet induced metabolic and gut microbial changes 23/11/2022 Yes ICAR-ASRB (NET)
22.   Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal Nikita Full Time 22-23/133/Ph.D. 2022-EZ-59 01/09/2022 Development of aptamer based electrochemical biosensor for the detection of persicide 31/08/2027 Yes National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
23.   Dr. Kakoli Biswas
Dr. Arti Arya
Neha Full Time 22-23/39/Ph.D. 17518004110 26/07/2022 Kinetics and functional studies of novel antimicrobial peptides isolated from Momordica charantia and Trichosanthes dioica 23/07/2027 No
24.   Dr. Kakoli Biswas
Dr. Rupinderjeet Kaur
Muskan Full Time 22-23/38/PhD 18116001617 26/07/2022 Analysis and charactterization of antimicrobial peptides puridied from Bougainvillea sp 23/07/2027 No
25.   Dr. Vikas Rishi Shivangi Gupta Full Time 2022-EZ-60 22-23/134/Ph.D. 13/07/2022 Unravelling molecular mechanism triggering cognitive sysfunction in Hepatic Encephalopathy 11/06/2027 Yes National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
26.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Jai Shree Full Time 2021-EZ-144, 21-22/368/Ph.D. 25/03/2022 24/03/2027 Yes DST-INSPIRE
27.   Dr. Sudhir P. Singh Ashutosh Kumar Singh Full Time 2021-EZ-165 21-22/414/Ph.D. 02/03/2022 No
28.   Dr. Neena Capalash
Dr. Prince Sharma
Vipasha Thakur Full Time 2021-EZ-104 21-22/218/Ph.D. 12/01/2022 Therapeutic potential of novel antimicrobial peptide against MDR acinetobacter baumannii No
29.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Rinku Balhara Full Time 21-22/127/Ph.D. 2021-ez-67 08/10/2021 To study the crosstalk between long non-coding RNAs and MYB transcription factors for enhancement of drought tolenatce in Brassica sp. 07/10/2026 Yes DBT-JRF
30.   Dr. Kashmir Singh
Dr. Santosh K. Upadhayay
Yashraaj Sharma Full Time 21-22/128/Ph.D. 2021-EZ-68 08/10/2021 Identification and characterization of CCX exchanger of CaCA superfamily in Triticum aestivum L. and their function in plant development and stress response 07/01/2026 Yes UGC-JRF
31.   Prof. Jagtar Singh Manisha Sharma Full Time 21-22/99/Ph.D. 2021-ez-50 29/09/2021 Characterization of L-asparaginase from microbial source. 28/09/2026 Yes DST-INSPIRE
32.   Dr. Siddharth Tiwari Naveen Kumar Full Time 21-22/94/Ph.D 2021-ez-44 10/09/2021 Identification and functinal characterization of NCED genes family in banana Yes DBT-JRF
33.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Nandni Full Time 21-22/83/Ph.D. 14315001233 01/09/2021 Characterization of long non-coding RNAs responsive to fungal infections in Grapvine(Vitis vinifera) Yes CSIR-NET-JRF
34.   Dr. Neena Capalash
Dr. Prince Sharma
Anandita Full Time 21-22/72/PhD. 2021-EZ-37 26/08/2021 Prevalence and mechanism of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii and development of a point of care method for its detection. Yes ICAR-NET
35.   Dr. Jagtar Singh Riya Joon Full Time 21-22/56/Ph.D. 2021-EZ-40 09/07/2021 Yes NABI-JRF
36.   Dr. Vikas Rishi Shivani Gajbhiye Full Time 21-22/55/Ph.D. 2021-ez-45 01/07/2021 Utilizing the naturalvariation in Brassica juncea accessions to identify the genetic determinants of resistance against Alternaria brassicae 30/06/2026 Yes CSIR-NET-JRF
37.   Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal Geetika Bajaj Full Time 20-21/348/Ph.D. 14-BCH-09 30/12/2020 Development of exosomes based therapeutic nano-formulation for amelioration of type 2 diabetes melitus Yes CSIR-NET-JRF
38.   Prof. Jagtar Singh
Vijayender Bhalla
Bharti Full Time 20-21/139/Ph.D./R&S 10909000402 23/12/2020 22/12/2025 Yes ICMR-SRF
39.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Hanny Chauhan Full Time 20-21/55/Ph.D./R&S 17615001291 25/09/2020 Genome editing mediated nutritional improvement of Solanum tuberosum 24/09/2025 Yes CSIR-JRF
40.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Aiana Full Time 2020-EZ-27 20-21/40/Ph.D./R&S 21/09/2020 20/09/2025 Yes UGC-JRF
41.   Prof. Jagdeep Kaur Ankush Jain Full Time 20-21/18/ph.D./R&S 2020-EZ-07 25/08/2020 Gene/Protein engineering approaches to enhance the fibrinolytic activity of Nattokinase. 25/08/2025 Yes CSIR-JRF
42.   Dr. Sudhir P Singh Monika Full Time 20-21/4/Ph.D. 2020-EZ-1 24/06/2020 Identification and characterization of a novel cole-active type1 pullulanase for debranchingapplications and production of resistant starch 01/03/2024 No
43.   Dr. Jagdeep Kaur
Dr. Hena Dhar
Anchal Chaudhary Full Time 19-20/455/Ph.D. 30/01/2020 Isolaton and Molecular Characterization of Very Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acid-producing Mircobes 29/01/2025 Yes DST-SERB (ICAR-ARS-NET-2018)
44.   Dr. Desh Deepak Singh Usha Full Time 19-20/391/Ph.D. 2019-EZ-181 08/11/2019 Purification and characterization of selected lectins 07/11/2024 Yes UGC-JRF-NEt
45.   Prof. Jagdeep Kaur Gagandeep Kaur Full Time 19-20/322/Ph.D. 2019-EZ-144 04/11/2019 The protein engineering approaches to develop fast acting clot buster in large scale : enhancing catalytic efficiency of streptokinase by Directed evolution 04/11/2024 Yes ICMR-SRF
46.   Prof. Jagdeep Kaur Puneet Kaur Full Time 18-19/370/Ph.D. 18211001277 22/11/2018 Structural and functional studies on Bacterial Plasminogen activators. 21/11/2023 Yes CSIR-JRF
47.   Dr. Jagtar Singh
Dr. Tapan K. Mondal
Megha Full Time 18-19/196/Ph.D./R&S 27/08/2018 Genome wide association Mapping for identification of QTL/gene for different traits in deep water rice etc. 23/08/2023 Yes JRF
48.   Dr. Jagtar Singh
Dr. Akshay Anand
Priya Mehra Full Time 17-18/514/Ph.D. 21/03/2018 The role of laser induced retinal injury on visual spatial memeory and its rescue by subretinal transplanation of human umblical cord bolld derived lineage negative stem cells in mice. 20/03/2023 Yes CSIR-JRF
49.   Prof. Jagdeep Kaur Pradeep Kumar Anand Full Time 17-18/370/Ph.D. 09/01/2018 Mycobacterium lipolytic enzyme in drug resistance 09/01/2023 Yes UGC-JRF
50.   Dr. Jagdeep Kaur Parul Singh Full Time 17-18/369/Ph.D 2018-EZ-23 09/01/2018 characterization of Mycobacterium genes under hypoxic conditions 09/01/2023 Yes UGC-JRF
51.   Dr. Jagdeep Kaur Ajay Chhaya Full Time 17-18/1/Ph.D. 10/08/2017 Structure function studies on truncated hemoglobins of Mycobacterium smegmatis. 09/08/2022 No
52.   Dr. Desh Deepak Singh Maanniya Full Time 17-18/29/Ph.D. 27/07/2017 Bioinformatics analysis, Structural and functional Characterization of selected Lectins 27/07/2020 Yes JRF DST-SERB
53.   Dr. Desh Deepak Singh Lovepreet Singh Full Time 17-18/28/Ph.D. 24/07/2017 Bioinformatics, Cloning, Expression and Structural studies on C Type Lectins 23/07/2020 Yes UGC-JRF
54.   Dr. Kashmir Singh Naina Grewal Full Time 17/404/Ph.D. 24/01/2017 Tentative Title: To study the role of NBS-LRR genes in biotic stress tolerance in grapes 24/01/2022 No
55.   Prof. Desh Deepak Singh Shally Sharma Full Time 16/1152/Ph.D 27/08/2016 An analysis of cancerous cell lines glycan/proteoglycan epitopes through lectin mediated interactions 16/08/2021 Yes UGC-INSPIRE
56.   Prof. Neena Capalash
Prof. Prince Sharma
Shruti Kashyap Full Time 14/211/Ph.D. 03/09/2014 Effect of intrspecies signaling molecule, indole and its derivatives on the virulence of acinetobacter baumannii and its persistence against fluoroquinolones 03/09/2019 Yes ICMR

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