S.No. | Name of the Supervisor / Co-Supervisor |
Name of the Ph.D. Scholar | Mode of Ph.D. | Registration Number | Date of Registration | Research Topic | Likely Date of Completion | Availing Fellowship | Funding Agency of Fellowship |
Faculty of Arts : Centre for Human Rights & Duties (U.I.E.A.S.S) | Updated on: 16/02/2024 | ||||||||
1. | Prof. Namita Gupta | Alka S Yadav | Full Time | 23-24/212/PhD | 23/01/2024 | - | 02/02/2029 | Yes | UGC NET-JRF |
2. | Prof. Namita Gupta | Navjot Kaur | Full Time | 23-24/214/Ph.D/214/R&S | 23/01/2024 | - | 15/02/2028 | Yes | UGC NET-JRF |
3. | Prof. Namita Gupta | Aviral Jakhar | Part Time | 22-23/315/Ph.D/R&S | 06/02/2023 | Pending | 28/02/2029 | No | |
4. | Prof. Swarnjit Kaur | Meenu Dhanda | Full Time | 22-23/190/Ph.D/R&S | 06/02/2023 | - | 02/02/2028 | Yes | UGC NET-JRF |
5. | Prof. Namita Gupta | Manavjeet Malik | Full Time | 22-23/156/Ph.D/162/R&S | 03/01/2023 | - | 02/02/2028 | Yes | UGC NET-JRF |
6. | Prof. Ajay Ranga | Gurdeep Singh | Full Time | 22-23/144/Ph.D/8092/R&S | 16/12/2022 | - | 10/02/2028 | Yes | UGC NET-JRF |
7. | Prof. Namita Gupta Prof. Emanual Nahar |
Harbhajan Singh | Full Time | 22-23/128/Ph.D/7217 | 02/12/2022 | - | 04/02/2028 | No | |
8. | Dr. Upneet Kaur Mangat | Poonam | Full Time | 21-22/253/Ph.D/R&S | 10/03/2022 | Awareness of Reproductive Rights among youth of Haryana | 10/03/2026 | Yes | UGC |
9. | Dr. Namita Gupta | Ashima Kathuria | Part Time | 21-22/252/Ph.D/R&S | 10/03/2022 | Rights of Agricultural Women in Rural Haryana | 17/06/2027 | No | |
10. | Dr. Swarnjit Kaur | Sabhyata Gihar | Full Time | 20-21/174/PH.D | 13/01/2021 | Voilence amongs siblings | 13/01/2027 | Yes | UGC |
11. | Dr. Upneet Kaur Mangat | Aayushi Sharma | Full Time | 20-21/175/Ph.D/R&S | 13/01/2021 | - | 13/01/2027 | No | |
12. | Dr. Upneet Kaur Mangat | Dheeru Yadav | Full Time | 19-20/122/Ph.D./R&S | 22/10/2019 | Surrogacy in India: Medical Practices and challenges | 21/10/2024 | Yes | UGC- JRF |
13. | Dr. Namita Gupta | Kavita | Full Time | 18-19/479/Ph.D/R&S | 15/01/2019 | Human Rights Advocacy in India: A Study of Probono Litigation in Panjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh | 12/01/2024 | Yes | UGC- JRF |
14. | Dr. Namita Gupta | Monika | Full Time | 18-19/78/Ph.D./R&S | 09/08/2018 | Drug Addiction, Criminal Justice System & Human Rights concerns | 08/08/2023 | Yes | UGC- JRF |
15. | Dr. Upneet Kaur Mangat | Padma Chhoing | Full Time | 17-18/119/Ph.D/R&S | 30/08/2017 | The Strurggle for Inheritence and Succession Rights in Bodh Tribe: A Case Study of Spiti (HP) | 29/08/2022 | Yes | UGC- JRF |
16. | Dr. Namita Gupta | Monika | Full Time | 16/277/Ph.D | 21/09/2016 | HUman Rights Issues of Urban Homeless in Mohali and Ludhiana Cities of Punjab | 20/09/2021 | No |
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